FreePlayer- what next?

FreePlayer is in a bare bones state right now. My plan is to improve the rules from feedback and update the guide to show how a host can use the tools of the game to make consistent rulings. I’ll be posting as I go.

The games I plan on using FreePlayer for are very different from each other, especially in terms of how characters plug into the core loop. I expect to be posting more about that later.

I have play tested fragments of the rules but not in their current state so that is a priority too. If FreePlayer interests you I welcome your comment and feedback.

Download FreePlayer HERE.


It’s been a while, to business.

I am inspired by games like Perfected and Cthulhu Dark. These are tight, minimalist games that know what they are and leave the greater portion of boundary setting and expectation management to the Players and Host.

Freeplayer is a minimalist, diceless RPG that I have been working on for a while. Check it out:

This is version 210718 My next step is to do a round of Playtesting and then update the Draft. For a 1 page game (4 if you include Terms, Rules and Guide) I think it is fairly tight. These are the rules I will be using for my Projects going forward – Lednik and Mesh Dream. Enjoy and feel free to comment.